al-kesa layang2...
ske2...truja..weekend aritu ak jenjln g tgok pesta lyg2 yg.........da lme nk g..
dr last year nk x taun ni..jdi gak akhir nyew!! huhuh
g ngan..
.che la.
best taw,bnyak negara luar yg involve, x clap dlm puluh2 gak since kteorg g ni last x bnyak lyg2 yg nek...smada dorg da blik umah...huhu..or time tu nk ujan... tp x dpat amek bnyak pic..nti yaun dpan nk amek gmbr bnyak2..sbb taun dpan da final year..n..hopefully a.pilo bwak camera diew yg caaannnggih itu..hahhaha.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
huhh..slase ni ad test control 2..sngat lah k'malasan yg teramat2..tgok lah..bleh lagi ak mnge'post' kat blog neh...adoyai...letih sungguh melihat diriku sendri..tdi pusing2..turun floor bwah...g kt foyer jap..usha org juai kerepek pedas...konon nak amek moOd la....sesungguhnye...konOn itu mmg konOn sahajew...hahaha...blik bilik, ak men tenet plak...aish...nk malas nk kaco owg lain...tah2..dorg sume tgh blaja...ak jer tgh men tenet ni haa....sbb....blik dowg x da server...kalo tak...dorg pon cm ak...huk3..(ske nk mnyamakn org len nagn k'jahatan diri sendiri)..gugugu...dah puas post kat blog sendirik..usha kt blo2 feveret ak plak..tgok die pkai bju pe arini...she very gorgeous.stail die yg bapak ak ak x kan pkai mcm tu..nk kena kerat kpala ngan bapak ak! hahahha.. 'flamingo dance'.. teruja ak tgok die dress up..hahaha...kepo jer ak kn..sori2..
then malayan perasaan smbil kaki terangkat sebelah.tangan memegang novel.rambut berselerakan.mata belah kanan ngan kiri berebut nk baca perkataan setrusnya.then...*i lov u..u lov me..we r epi fmili...* msg msuk..from a.uda :
then malayan perasaan smbil kaki terangkat sebelah.tangan memegang novel.rambut berselerakan.mata belah kanan ngan kiri berebut nk baca perkataan setrusnya.then...*i lov u..u lov me..we r epi fmili...* msg msuk..from a.uda :
"ayah datuk ct tarudin ismail mningal dunia pg td akibat sakit jntung.alfatihah"
reply ; " thanx 4 da in4mation."
u know y...da hol day...mmg mlepak dlm tv(area rusak!!) was ur day?
tag?? gugugu
sowi lmbt btul nk reply tag ni..dill bgi 3 hb ari..too busy maa..k2..smagat nk jawap ney...guguug
*People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.*Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse!)*
*People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.*Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse!)*
Continue this game by tagging 8 other people.
What have you being doing recently?
reading!! abeskn al d novel dat brrow from zana ari khamis malam..da 7 buah sume nye..
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
no2... penting sgt taw..huhu
What happened at 10am today?
g HSA..mlawat wad kanak2...progm DEKAT PADAMU 6. under KLM..
When did you last cry?
27 jan. 1.50 pm.
"x membantu, seperti biasa"
Believe it as fate or destiny?
yup, messstii laa...hehehe
What do you want in your life now?
extra-ordinary...sume segi..hehe tamak seyh...gugugu
Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
depends pada mood time 2...kdg pkai..kdg2 lately ni..tak kot...asal ujan je...tdo...n..tdo...huhu
What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
reading! pastu kaci layu skit..then tdo...n..tdo..
What bottoms are you wearing right now?
standard pompuan besa la...hahahha
What the nice things in your inbox?
hp: msg mlambak2 yg x delete2 since bli hp bwu neh..malash...
email : da 4 je kot.. yg penting jer..
stakat ni..inbox 2 je kot yg t'pkir..
Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
niat standard nye...yeaahh.. huhu
Are you wearin anyting borrowed from anyone?
skrg tidak....special size lolz..
What was the last movie you caught?
tdi 5.50- 7.30 lebey...GENG..upin n ipin da movie~
What are you proud of?
ad mak yg sgt slumber n sporting seyh....mmber ckat cm gtu leh..+- la..
What the oldest text message in your inbox say?
"ayu mara kat...."
What was the last song you sang out loud?
pe ek tdi..dalam kete...bnyak...yp yg last tu yg liat sket nk lgu beyonce remix version nye..."..crazy my love..." kot...kot.. x clap ar..heheh
Do you have any nickname?
huhh..menci bangat soklan neh..........ada!
What does the newest text say?
"a'ah. 21 n 22 ni." by bad tika..
What time did you go to bed last nait?
+- 4.00a.m..
Are you currently happy?
no..epi time org wat lawak je..blik bilik...back 2 normal blik..mandom~
Who gives you the best advise? da best, mean sorg je kn... ayu syafirah..
Do you eat whipped ice cream straight from the can?
no. i don't eat ice cream at al..
Who did you talk on the phone last night?
jup check..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....3 yg jumpe hp ak yg ilang tu..
mr ery.. thanxs ya..
Is something bugging you now?
'hati ni haa....' uufff...susuah mau sokln tnya pendek jer..jwapn nye..yeah...
Who the last person to make you laugh?
faiz..wat lawak bodo..hohoho
haaaahh...abes gak...ngee..bateri kong daa..
soo...sorry dil..i break da rules..u know y..myb next time prob sket....
anywy..thanx ya! ad soklan y wat me pkir lebey m'dlam tntng ma ownself...
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